Tuesday, January 19, 2010


After a wonderful four day weekend, I headed back to the craziness that is the IPJ just four days before WorldLink's biggest event of the year. There is much to do, and my mentor is pretty stressed, so I feel like if I ask for less tedious jobs it would be a waste of everyone's time. Because of this, I do what I am asked (which most of the time is not tedious at all). I am happy to help in whatever way I can to make sure the overall event runs properly, whether it is designing a flyer in photoshop, cutting ribbon for nametags, or attending meetings with all of the volunteers. I have pretty much recognized by now that everything I am doing has a purpose in making the Youth Town Meeting run smoothly, and none of it is busy work. So in my eyes, being a self advocate is recognizing that what I am doing may not be the funnest thing in the world, but it definitely is not meaningless.

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